Stay Ahead of the Industry
The Symposium on Instrumentation and Medical Imaging (XISIIM2023), a biannual brazilian event, aims to bring together researchers from important lines of activity in the fields of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, in particular professionals, researchers, graduate and undergraduate students working in the areas of training, processing and applications of medical imaging, or development, implementation and application of instrumentation for biomedical purposes.
In 2023, the event in its XI edition will be hybrid format with broadcasting through the YouTube channel of the Physics Department and in this specific edition it will be held in conjunction with the Medical Physics Week of the Bachelor's Degree in Medical Physics-FFCLRP-USP and with the evaluation process of the graduate program in Physics Applied to Medicine and Biology-FFCLRP-USP bringing a greater synergy among undergraduate/postgraduate students, researchers, and professionals in the field.
The event will feature two main thematic areas, which will include the following topics
Medical Imaging:
Imaging Methods and Quantitative Techniques
Image quality and processing
Image-guided medical interventions and therapeutic procedures
Machine learning applied to medical imaging
Biomedical instrumentation:
Biomedical devices
Measuring and control devices in Biomedicine
Electromedical equipment
Brain-machine interface
3D Manufacturing
1 - Quantum machine learning for personalized oncology.
2 - Multi-channel magnetic instrumentation for non-invasive neuromodulation of brain networks.
Dr. Victor Hugo Souza (Finland)
3 - 3D-BONES
Dr. Norge Cruz Hernández (Spain)
4 - Part 1: 3D Slicer: An open-source software for medical imaging research.
Part 2: Integration of 3D Slicer and ROS for robot-assisted and image-guided procedures.
5 - Photo- and sono-dynamic therapy for the treatment of skin lesions.
Dr. Sebastião Pratavieira (Brazil)
Dr. Leila Mostaço-Guidolin (Canada)
The Speakers
Issam El Naqa, Ph.D.
Issam El Naqa
Moffitt Cancer Center/Florida
​Senior Member Imaging analytics, bioinformatics, and outcoming modelings. Dr. El Naqa is the founding chair of the department of Machine Learning at Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, Fl. He is an internationally recognized authority in the fields of machine learning, data analytics, and oncology outcomes modeling and has published extensively in these areas with more than 220+ peer-reviewed journal publications and 4 edited textbooks. He has been a member and fellow of several academic and professional societies including AAPM and IEEE. His research has been funded by several federal and private grants in Canada and the USA and served on national and international study sections. He acts as a peer-reviewer and editorial board member for several leading international journals in his areas of expertise.

Leila Mostaço-Guidolin, Ph.D.

Leila Mostaço-Guidolin
Assistant Professor at Carleton University in the Department of Computer and Systems Engineering and co-director of the Tissue Engineering and Applied Materials (TEAM) Hub. Her research interests are primarily in the areas of image analysis, extracellular matrix remodeling, and 3D bioprinting. The tools we have developed in the Tissue Engineering and BioImaging Lab (TEB) are useful for answering relevant biological questions related to the assessment of tissue function during normal and pathological processes and in response to treatments.
Miguel Angel Guevara López, Ph.D.
Miguel Angel Guevara López
Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal/Portugal
Professor at the Department of Systems and Informatics, Setúbal School of Technology, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal. His research interests are in the areas of pattern recognition / machine learning, computer vision, data analysis and artificial intelligence. He has extensive experience in biomedical image and data analysis applications (e.g., building medical imaging-based databases/datasets, development of machine learning models to support CADe/CADx methods for breast cancer). He is an active member of the following scientific associations: European Society of Radiology, European Society for Hybrid, Molecular and Translational Imaging, European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics.

Norge Cruz Hernández, Ph.D.

Norge Cruz Hernández
Sevilla University/Spain
He has extensive experience in periodic processing of materials in various systems and problems. Recently he has been engaged in the investigation of biomaterials for 3D printing of medical devices, such as bone implants, and has filed a patent. The invention consists of the modification of a commercial resin that is used as a material for 3D printing by the stereolithography method. The resulting parts allow the exact reproduction of parts of bone tissue.
Sebastião Pratavieira, Ph.D.
Sebastião Pratavieira
São Carlos Institute of Physics/Brazil
Has experience in the field of Optics and Photonics, with emphasis on Biophotonics. He works mainly on the following topics: study of light-biological tissue interaction, development of optical systems (widefield and microscopy), fluorescence confocal microscopy, nonlinear optical microscopy, physicochemical fundamentals and applications of Photodynamic and Sonophotodynamic Therapy.

Sonia Pujol, Ph.D.

Sonia Pujol
Harvard Medical School Academy/USA
Director of Training and Education of the 3D Slicer open source software for biomedical research. She has 18 years of experience teaching 3D Slicer courses at academic centers and private institutions around the world.
Dr. Pujol teaches 3D Slicer courses for individuals and groups to help clinicians, scientists and students attaining proficiency with the software. The courses combine didactic lectures with hands-on training sessions.
Victor Hugo Souza, Ph.D.
Victor Hugo Souza
Aalto University/Finland
Research Fellow and Director of the ConnectToBrain Laboratory in the Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering (NBE). He develops instrumentation, methods and protocols for studying the human brain by non-invasive brain stimulation. His recent work involves the creation of multi-channel coils for transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), software for neuronavigation and processing electrophysiological data and magnetic resonance imaging.
He is one of the developers and maintainers of the medical imaging software InVesalius Navigator with the Renato Archer Information Technology Center Archer Information Technology Center of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations. He also participates in
initiatives of scientific dissemination, such as the Organization for Brain Mapping, organizing
Brain Mapping, organizing activities on neuroscience for children and youth.

Paul Carson, Ph.D.
Pedro Lopes Da Frota Moreira, Ph.D.
Pedro Lopes Da Frota Moreira
​Pedro Moreira is an Instructor of Radiology at Brigham and Women's Hospital and holds a faculty position at Harvard Medical School. His primary research focus centers on advancing medical care using robotic devices, particularly in optimizing the outcomes of needle-based and image-guided procedures. Dr. Moreira has actively contributed to over 100 MR-guided prostate interventions and currently leads the engineering efforts for a clinical trial of a novel robotic device for prostate biopsy. His is a member of the National Center of Image-Guided Therapy, where he has been instrumental in the development of pre- and intraoperative planning software solutions. In this talk, Dr. Moreira will present recent developments using 3D Slicer for image-guided prostate procedures, and joint efforts to use 3D Slicer in robot-assisted interventions.

Robert Jerajeira, Ph.D.
Important dates
For the online mode, participants will have access to lectures, short courses and round tables. Open: September 1st
Deadline: October 13th
Acceptance Notification
The list of accepted works is now available
November 8th, 9th, and 10th
Registration Fee
Professionals, post-doctoral fellows and researchers: R$ 250,00
Presential post-graduation and primary education teacher: R$ 160,00
Remote Post-graduate students: R$ 100.00
In-person undergraduate students: R$ 80.00
Remote undergraduate students: R$ 30.00
25% discount for presentations by authors with accepted abstracts. Presentations will be exclusively face-to-face.
For the online mode, participants will have access to lectures, short courses and round tables.

For the online mode, participants will have access to lectures, short courses and round tables.

*The moment of the presentation of the panels will be in parallel with the mini-courses of opposite areas.

Registration link: 3D Slicer
Happy Hour
Address: Av. Independência, 2610 - Alto da Boa Vista, Ribeirão Preto - SP, 14025-230

The Venue
University of São Paulo, Campus Ribeirão Preto
Ribeirão Preto region is one of the richest in the state of São Paulo, presenting high standards of living (income, consumption, longevity). It also has good social indicators (health, education and sanitation), a privileged location, close to large consumer centers and easy access to good quality transportation and communication infrastructure. According to a survey conducted by FGV about the 100 best cities to build a career in Brazil, Ribeirão Preto is in 17th position.
Based on the experience with remote events and seeking a greater participation of students and researchers, this event should be hybridized with broadcasts by the YouTube channels of the Physics Department-FFCLRP-USP ( and )

Organizing Committee

General Event Coordinators:
Carlos Ernesto Garrido Salmon
Renata Ferranti Leoni
Area Coordinators:
Eder Rezende Moraes
George Cunha Cardoso
Juliana Fernandes Pavoni
Luciano Bachmann
Théo Zeferino Pavan
Luiz Otávio Murta Junior
Local Committee:
Eduardo Rocha Arruda
Erika Joselyn Ludeña Maza
Erick Almeida de Souza
Giovanna de Souza Ragassi
Hohana Gabriela Konell
José Henrique Monteiro de Azevedo
Luiza Bezerra da Silva Licarião
Maria do Carmo Custodio da Silva
Pedro Henrique Tosta Cayres de Oliveira
Renan Hiroshi Matsuda
Advisory Committee:
Adriano de Oliveira Andrade (UFU)
Ana Patrocínio (UFU)
Antônio A. O. Carneiro (USP)
Eduardo Tavares Costa (UNICAMP)
Homero Schiabel (EESC-USP)
João Salinet (UFABC)
XI Symposium on Instrumentation and Medical Imaging

Symposium on Instrumentation and Medical Imaging
November, 08th
Contact Us
Live event in Ribeirão Preto-SP and online
To learn more, don’t hesitate to get in touch